• From the Arabian Peninsula to the Silicon Valley

    The research focuses on some of the intellectual processes unknown to early Islamic societies; these societies were the forerunners of many scientific and intellectual developments in Europe and the West, and in the modern digital world.

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  • Qatar in the British Archives: Reports from the Early Nineteenth Century

    In the early nineteenth century, British interest in the Gulf region, previously confined to maritime security and diplomacy, widened to include more detailed reporting on the communities along the coast and inland. Reports on Qatar include surprisingly sympathetic and in-depth accounts of local life and politics.

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    Le patrimoine est un terme riche en significations. Dans cet article je m’intéresse surtout aux liens existant entre ethnologie et histoire et les rapports que le patrimoine entretient avec le temps présent. L’ethnologie, par sa méthode, fait appel à la tradition orale. L’histoire, en recourant à la mémoire, participe pleinement de la notion de patrimoine. Mon travail de recherche en anthropologie sur le Qatar depuis une trentaine d’années, ainsi que mon expérience muséographique, m’ont permis de suivre l’évolution de la société. Aussi ai-je pu constater l’œuvre de la mémoire, les représentations dont le patrimoine était l’objet, et les effets de ces représentations sociales au cours de ce temps.

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    The researcher examines the origins of Arabic tent vocabulary as a development from basic house vocabulary. Tent terminology is seen as a good field for the examination of semantic change in that words involved are used for new referents in the context of the tent. The terminology examined was collected from localities from ‘Arabistan in Persia and to of the east to Algeria in the west and shows a surprising degree of uniformity for such a wide area, although some local differences do occur such as the use of ‘amūd for ‘tent pole’ in the east, compared to rakīzah in the far east. The vocabulary is basically of Arabic origin, but two words of foreign origin are also observed; one from Greek and one from French.

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  • Images of Qatar (1300-1772) in the Ancient Cartographic Heritage

    This research presents images of Qatar in ancient cartographic heritage from 1300 to 1772 AD. It refers to maps that date back to 150 AD, the beginning of emergence of Qatar name on Italian maps starting from 1548, early European information about Qatar, and the Portuguese, French, and German scientific efforts ending up in Niebuhr’s map, which contained names of Qatari cities.

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