The Center has participated in the first national book fair which was organized in Al Khor, Qatar, during 25-29 April (2017). The center participated with its own stall to exhibit all publishing activities of its books especially its peer reviewed journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage”, and new publication such as "Noor al-Dalalah …Al-Jabr Al-Hisabi fi Al-Qarn Al-Thalith Ashar" by Al-Khilati, " Māhiyat al-Athar al-Ladhī Yabdū 'Alā Wajh al-Qamar" by Ibn al-Haytham, "Maqālat Fī al-Niqirs" by Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī, and "The Hajj from Qatar… pleasant memories".